Extreme temperature or pressure products
and the critical problem of vapour permeability

Extreme conditions are more common than you think, they don’t only occur in extreme environments but also in the tightened seals on many products, the heat of engines or motors and even in the electronics of many devices. Yet they need seals to keep out water vapour, hydrocarbons and other contaminates if they are to continue working, Versaperm can help.
Versaperm’s vapour permeability systems can measure how well seals, pipes, electronic enclosures and general materials do this across a wide range of temperatures and pressures, from -80 to 1100C and from 0 to 300bar. Higher ranges can be made available if the demand arises. All materials and seals are affected, often severely, in their task by the combined factors of temperature and pressure.
The Versaperm system uses a mass spectrometer to measure permeability for water vapour, grease, hydrocarbons, aromatics, CO2, solvents and every other vapour / gas in general use. This gives designers and manufacturers the ability to test and effectively eliminate problems across almost all standard and most non-standard environmental and operational conditions.
The system can also simulate diurnal, seasonal and other changes and it achieves results that are accurate in the PPM (Parts per Million) to PPB ranges. It can optionally measure several materials, seals, enclosures, components or products at a single time.
Versaperm also runs consultancy and laboratory services which offers advice on permeability in complex cases or where the volume or logistics do not mandate a dedicated instrument.
Please send any sales enquiries to
Versaperm Ltd: 10 Rawcliffe House, Howarth Road, Maidenhead, Berkshire, SL6 1AP, UK,
e.mail: info@versaperm.com Web: www.versaperm.com
UK Tel: +44 (01628) 777668
USA Tel +1 (617) 855-7477
For Further Press Information please contact:
Gerry Palmer @ the Palmer & Rose Partnership
Tel +44 (0) 1494 637499
e.mail gerry@palmer-rose.co.uk